Taxpayers that make payments on account should be aware that the second payment on account for 2017-18 is due on or before 31 July 2018
Tax Time – Dates for July 2018
Your tax dates for the month ahead.
Tax Time – Dates for June 2018
Your tax dates for the month ahead.
Tax Time – Dates for May 2018
Your tax dates for the month ahead.
Tax Time – Dates for April 2018
Your tax dates for the month ahead.
Did You Get a Big Tax Bill and Now Want Some Back?
A big issue for some of us will be that the bill we have just paid with was bigger than anticipated, due to tax changes that came in at the start of the last tax year, in April 2016.
Tax Time – Dates for March 2018
Your tax dates for the month ahead: 1 March 2018 – Due date for corporation tax due for the year ended 31 May 2017. 2 March 2018 – Self assessment tax for 2016/17 paid after this date will incur a 5% surcharge. 19 March 2018 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 […]
More Tax Free Allowances from 6th April 2017!
In addition to the current £5,000 tax free dividend allowance and the personal savings allowance of up to £1,000 there will be two further tax free allowances starting from 6 April 2017. These will be: A £1,000 Tax Free Allowance for Self-Employed income A £1,000 Rental Income Allowance These new allowances mean that individuals doing a […]
CIS Gross Payment Rules relaxed
In April 2016 HMRC introduced significant changes to the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). What do your clients need to know? Reason for change – In 2014 HMRC announced changes to the CIS with the aim of making its processes simpler. In particular, it’s hoped that the new legislation will enable more businesses to achieve gross payment […]